High We Exalt Thee, Realm of the Free

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High We Exalt Thee, Realm of the Free
inno nazionale sierraleonese
Dati generali
Nazione Sierra Leone (bandiera) Sierra Leone
Adozione 1961
Lingue inglese
Componimento poetico
Autore Clifford Nelson Fyle
Epoca 1961
Composizione musicale
Autore John Akar
Epoca 1961
← Inno precedente Inno successivo →
God Save The Queen
← 1961
in vigore

High We Exalt Thee, Realm of the Free è l'inno nazionale della Sierra Leone. Il testo del brano è stato scritto da Clifford Nelson Fyle, mentre la musica è di John Akar. Il brano è stato adottato come inno nel 1961.

High we exalt thee, realm of the free;

Great is the love we have for thee;

Firmly united ever we stand,

Singing thy praise, O native land.

We raise up our hearts and our voices on high,

The hills and the valleys re-echo our cry;

Blessing and peace be ever thine own,

Land that we love, our Sierra Leone.

One with a faith that wisdom inspires,

One with a zeal that never tires;

Ever we seek to honour thy name,

Ours is the labour, thine the fame.

We pray that no harm on thy children may fall,

That blessing and peace may descend on us all;

So may we serve thee ever alone,

Land that we love, our Sierra Leone.

Knowledge and truth our forefathers spread,

Mighty the nations whom they led;

Mighty they made thee, so too may we

Show forth the good that is ever in thee.

We pledge our devotion, our strength and our might,

Thy cause to defend and to stand for thy right;

All that we have be ever thine own,

Land that we love, our Sierra Leone.

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